Okay, sooooo. Obviously it’s been busy around here. Well, in my non-blogging life. I see the wind whistling through the empty spaces here.
Sorry about that. I do have really good intentions. I even have some really good ideas stuffed in a file here to blog about. Sometimes it just seems life careens its way in front of me. Throws itself down in front of me sometimes.
Okay, so yeah, I have been writing also. Yes, I have been stepping out on this blog. I have been working on some new short stories. And I have been getting an itch to drag out an old novel I wrote a few years ago to have another go at it.
Why is it that stories do things like that to us?
Or is that like asking why there are always clothes to wash and dust bunnies to eradicate?
Or like why our internet provider can’t stop all the dropping / outage that’s been going on with our internet services for over two weeks now.
For as much as they charge and all their hype and promises in their tv ads and how bad their service Really is.
So blame them at least in part for this empty blog! And for the calls that aren’t answered because going with their hype and putting the phone service into their hands as well. Yeah, so not conducive to writing a ‘nice’ blog post, about a lot of things.
And if service comes back again this will be posted. Hopefully in time for you to see it, and take note of all the happenings this week in Richmond, Virginia.
Well I haven’t been looking at what’s happening around the town, just what’s happening in the writing town around James River Writers. Which of course if you are a writer, aspiring writer, or do any thinking about writing you should be a part of.
Coming up tomorrow - Wednesday, July 25 - [or today depending on when you read this!] join in a Twitter Chat with one of the Conference speakers that’s going to be at the Conference in October!
Starting at noon EDT Wednesday July 25 on Twitter
@JamesRvrWriter and everyone else that joins in will be twitter chatting with
@eleanorwrites author of the book The Weird Sisters
And Then Thursday - July 26 - the JRW Writing Show -
Tune in to the JRW website for all the happenings and for more info’ …
Such as signing up for the Conference in October now — check out what you get if you sign up Before July 31st.