Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I mean Ho Ho Ho !

Yes, ‘tis the season. And the reason. Okay so not entirely. I mean I was behind the eight-ball in these posts and a Lot of things before the holiday season came barreling down on us so quickly. Just makes things much more frenzy-ribboned.

Not that I’ve wrapped any presents. Or checked the lists to see what we even have. Presents or ribbons. If you should be on my list you definitely should remind me. Before I get choked up in ribbon. And frenzy.

I’m in denial that it’s coming, I know. I was told tonight I wasn’t just cruising on ‘the nile’ [de-nial] that I probably could have a house-boat on it by this time. Course this was in response to asking about my writing and novel writing work. And had to reply that about the most writing I’ve been doing lately [other than for reports and all that] has been copious to-do notes.

Does that count?

Yeah, I don’t think they thought so either.

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