I am thankful, from the looks of Twitter-sphere anyway, that so many of our great speakers that were here recently at the James River Writers Conference are safe and sound.
Here are some more notes from the Conference.
For more great tips, notes, and such, go to Twitter and look for #jrwc12
Also check out Denise’s great blog posts of her notes - especially hers on the Website session.
Insight Into Your Site: Website 101
Erin Blakemore
Colleen Lindsay
Anna Sproul
Maya Payne Smart, moderator
Who needs a website and when? What should be included? Do you need book trailers and bells and whistles? Panelists will critique attendees’ websites, if desired, suggesting ways to improve content and navigation.
Erin Blakemore
Colleen Lindsay
Anna Sproul
Maya Payne Smart, moderator
Who needs a website and when? What should be included? Do you need book trailers and bells and whistles? Panelists will critique attendees’ websites, if desired, suggesting ways to improve content and navigation.
To think about - What drives people to websites - Concentrate on something to offer the world …think branding
Neil Gaiman - regularly visits his site, creates changes, and blogs regularly. Doesn’t leave it static.
Tess Gerritson started with email list putting out creepy biological fact of the day.
Chuck Wendig TerribleMinds.com his website got him noticed / published.
Your website should be - Simple Consistent and have Clear way to contact author
Absolutely present on a writer’s website:
All need an editor to make sure no typos or anything
Has a Professional image Good writing
Some professional head shots
Have your Blog live on home page
Make sure your site is Not static Constantly refreshing content
If an active on Fb or Twitter presence but only if active
Put a button for Fb and / or Twitter button
Make sure have Contact info
Place for comments on your website
These were mentioned as really wanted to see on author’s site -
high res AND low res pics, Both B & W, and Color
a short bio and a more in depth longer bio.
Downloadable press kit
Front page dynamic
Your Twitter acct. But it should not take the place of your blog site.
Update your blog at least once a week.
Erin has blog tour / map of NY … pods casts, can listen to, etc… Erin’s clean Blog She paid $35 for a Wordpress Template
She has Buy Book button on each page
Trust the Gatekeepers
Molly Jaffa
Brad Parks
David Henry Sterry
Valley Haggard, moderator
Hear the benefits of working with an agent and learn secrets that will move your work out of the slush pile.
Molly Jaffa
Brad Parks
David Henry Sterry
Valley Haggard, moderator
Hear the benefits of working with an agent and learn secrets that will move your work out of the slush pile.
David talked about the Art of the Follow Up Do follow up with agents - Very politely and recognizing they are people too.
Molly takes digital submissions only. Wait 6 wks or more to Follow up. Gets 150 queries a wk. Maybe takes 2 new clients a year.
Yes, do multiple queries. Agents expect it. No need to say. Agents at her place specialize in diff. Genres.
Know the market value of your book
Setting and managing expectation.
Places to look at on Line — Rachelle Gardner, Absolute Write Cooler
Everyone wants that feeling of falling in love
Agents want to fall in love with your characters.
Make your Query Letter - query pitch nothing like she has ever seen before
Molly looks at way author has presented themselves on Twitter etc….
Googles their names … she cyber stalks people, and checks them out before offers to represent. Makes sure they aren’t crazy-pants
With looking at brand new agent, look at the agency they’re with.
Molly recommends look for / get established shop
Brad Parks shared his personal experiences with agents.
His first agent had been an agent at a big publishing house. But after getting really bad offer for his 3rd and 4th book - after his first two had done really well, he started asking around and no one had heard of his agent.
And that was why he was getting the awful offer. So he fired the agent and got a new one.
It was emphasized the importance of getting a Good agent.
When an agent negotiates for you, the publishing houses also keeps in mind the other clientele that agent handles.
The way it was put, your agent goes in with their whole clientele list sitting on their shoulder when they are negotiating for you / your book.
Have to know what your goals are. Know what you want.
If getting form rejections all the time, you are doing something wrong. Figure it out and change.
If start getting some better comments / not form rejections, getting better.
You should have the feeling that you have the best agent in the world.
With smaller agencies have to ask harder questions.
Sign up for Publishers Marketplace when ready to start querying process.
—— Mentioned in another session Not to use the printed ‘find an agent’ books, since they are usually old and out-dated by time come out.
Do Your Research