Thursday, August 15, 2013

For those that haven’t yet read.

Or heard about the new book that’s out.

That has some recognizable names to it.     *Grin*

Here’s your chance to read some excerpts.      

Or as one of the authors has cleverly called it -   #buzznuggets

Here’s one -     *grin more*

"Andrew moved restlessly in his chair as he bit his lip to remind his mouth to speak carefully. He knew things were changing, even here in this backwoods. Things were changing, but apparently being able to choose your own path wasn't one of them. -- from Hearing the Past (River Town anthology book) by Shawna Christos"

For more to read, including from James River Writers Exec. Dir. Katharine Herndon, go here.

You also get a look at the nifty cover of said book.

And if you happen to want to order it and read the rest of it -

Here it is at Barnes and Noble -

Paperback Book on Amazon -

Okay, so that’s all for today.  Go buy and read.
And helpful reviews are appreciated.  ;)

And for all those friends who have already purchased, Thank You!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Short Story is Out There! Out Here

Well, not here, here.

But the short stories that ‘new’ James River Writers Executive Director Katharine Herndon @kaherndon 
 and I worked on and talked about are here -

Well, out.    There.     Not "Out There' as 'out there, man' ...

Oh, just keep reading.

To find and order the book —  ;)

Here it is at Barnes and Noble -

E-book - Kindle edition - Amazon -

It is getting pretty good reviews.
The book and all. 
Up on Amazon and various places.

Like here.

And here.

Yes, so now you can hear us go on about it being out now.

Well, as we distractedly ponder our new writing projects in our heads.

So now go and read ‘em and weep.
Well, not weep.  Not those kind of stories.  I think.
Oh, just buy and read.

And  :::foot shuffle:::  if you feel so moved you can come back here and tell me about it.
Or put a good review out There [or Here] for us.

Now I’m off to listen to the new characters and book that’s yammering in my head.   Yes, my head is a very crowded place.   Why do you ask?

Monday, August 5, 2013

The James River Writers Conference is Coming!

The James River Writers Conference is Coming!

Registration for it is open now!

I keep thinking things, life, is going to slow down, you know.      You too?
It isn’t.      
At least for me.
For some reason it just keeps barreling along.     Either taking me with it.  Or mowing me under.    Yeah, that happens.   Hey, I have bruises!    No, you can’t see.
So go over and check out all the happenings for the JRW Conference.

And I’ll try to stay on top of the barrel.     Hopefully I’ll be posting here a bit more.

Go here and check out all the happenings for the Conference.  

Check out the Workshops on the Friday before.

And The Agents that are coming.

Speaking of which, stay tuned here for more on that…..

…….And also about a certain new anthology coming out soon that has some stories in it by people you have met and know.    

Uh, yes, that’s a Hint.   

Okay, okay, I’ll give you another hint.     It will be out Soon.   *Grin*

Y’all stay tuned, ya hear.