Thursday, June 30, 2011

Read this summer, Put These Dates on Calendar

Another reason to sit down and read this summer. Other than fact too hot to do anything else, right?

Sure is in Virginia all I'm saying.

Three Critics Pick The Best Books For Summer

The NPR people critics picks.

And don't forget to put these dates on your Calendar for October!

Since this is one of the books they pick.

Silver Sparrow

By Tayari Jones, hardcover, 352 pages, Algonquin, list price: $19.95

The first line of this book reveals the secret that informs the lives of this family's story: "My father James Witherspoon is a bigamist." Two families live with this reality, but only one knows the truth. The daughters become friends. They are half sisters, but only one of them knows it. One girl moves through life guarding this secret, the other lives in blissful ignorance. While Jones' book is fiction, it has roots in her biography. Gonzalez says this is a fascinating story that examines the psychological effect a father's deception has on his wives and children.

And Tayari Jones is going to be at the James River Writers Conference in October!

[Along with Kitty Kelly! And a Lot of other great writer people.]

Just saying.

Do you Really want to miss it?

Monday, June 20, 2011

I Couldn't Resist

Okay so I couldn't resist this challenge. The BDCWB Flash Fiction Challenge #1 [The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog]

They gave a picture -

And the limit of 500 words. I used 498 words with my little flash fiction story I flashed out quickly here -

I couldn’t help but sneak a look at his stiff back, listening to his bare feet slapping the pavement, when he walked away from me.

I couldn’t help it. I wrapped my arms around myself to contain the pain that had come when he had set his jaw and told me decisively he was leaving me. I had managed not to break down into hysterics. That was a moment to be proud of. Mostly.

But now that he wasn’t watching, he hadn’t even looked back once, the hurt moved as he did. I tightened my grip on myself, undone. My arm lifted as if it were going to wave goodbye, in case he did look back, not that it seemed he was going to now. I moved my trembling hand to my mouth to stifle the cry that threatened to erupt, shutting my eyes to try to contain the rush of tears and stop the glint of sunlight on them that would give me away. In case he does look back. The wet trickle down my cheeks told me I wasn’t successful. Pressing my lips tighter, I swiped at the damp and snuck a look at my fingertips, they weren’t bright red as I expected. I was sure I was starting to bleed from all the cuts inside me.

I could see his silhouette stretched across the black surface, at least it was leaning back toward me. But he was so far. So far from my arms.

Even over the hot smell of pavement and summer, I knew if I concentrated for even the smallest period of time I would smell him. I would almost taste the smell of him as he nuzzled close in my arms. These same ones that were shaking around me now.

This was all a mistake. Some misunderstood failing on my part. I knew in my bones that my arms would always ache like this. I would never be able to fill the emptiness no matter how tightly I wrapped them around myself.

I couldn’t let him leave like this.

No matter what damage it did to either of us, this couldn’t happen like this. Not now. And eventually we’d get beyond this, I just knew we would. We had to. We had to.

I swallowed my pride along with the lump of tears and started along his path. The perspective of my sight made him look so small, I quickened my step. I broke into a run as I choked back the sob of his name.

He had stopped and turned toward me when I finally reached him, grabbing him tightly against my chest.

“Don’t you ever do this to me again.” I unclamped my jaw to spit out the words in his ear. The same jaw that was echoed in his smaller version. I loosened my grip on my son enough to shake him, “this is not the way to do it. When the time comes we’ll figure it out.” Somehow.

I couldn't come up with a good title though. You got an inspired one you care to share?

Thanks to Denise for her blog heads up - go over and read her flash fiction version - here.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Revision Process Writers Face

A great blog post about the revision process and stages for writers. And the normal feelings and emotions you have as you are in the midst of it.
With great pictures. Here.

Oh, come on, go ahead and look. It's so true it hurts. And the pictures are so cute they hurt. ::grin::::

Friday, June 17, 2011

They Know Us Too Well

Obviously there are serious similarities among all us writers.

As highlighted in this PW article on ways to curb the internet wandering and concentrate on writing.
[Publishers Weekly for those that are wondering.]

I didn't read the whole thing - I stopped 'cause I was laughing so hard at the *SQUIRREL!!!* comment.
But I will go back and read all the suggestions - some are really funny. Some are helpful. Perhaps nothing new, at least in the ones I read, but still things to keep in mind. And perhaps even use. After I quit catching up on emails, and blog posts, and..... *SQUIRREL!!!*
:::goes off laughing::::

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Keeping busy - or keeping your dreams at arm’s length

Not that you have to tell Me. But your inner self might be trying to get your attention. And tell You.

Yeah, that inner longing. That inner knocking to get your attention. To stop being so busy so you can’t hear that inner voice at all.

Or the fear that rises up that you have to face someday.

Not easy is it? Facing ourselves.

Facing the risks.

Yeah, ‘flog’ you Debbie Bowie - okay so not really, really. But I get her feng shui and organizational insights in my in-box and it’s so much easier to read that than actually work on all the things I ‘should’ be doing, or ‘supposed’ to be doing.

Or it was.

You should go read it too - Here

Here I’ll help you -

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.

To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.

To reach for another is to risk involvement.

To expose your ideas, your dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss.

To love is to risk not being loved in return.

To live is to risk dying.

To believe is to risk despair.

To try is to risk failure.

But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

The people who risk nothing do nothing, have nothing, are nothing.

They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, cannot feel, cannot change, grow, love and live.

Chained by their attitudes they are slaves; they have forfeited their freedom.

Only a person who risks is free.

Author Unknown

Okay, now you see. Understand?

So that was a mean thing of me to do? Heh, heh, heh. Now you know all about the old saying about misery and company, right? I’ll explain it to you if you want. Heh, heh.

Oh, come on, I am not heartless. Here’s Debbie’s helpful blog.

And here’s her website - Rock Paper Scissors Institute

Now, See how nice I am to you.

So, what are your dreams really worth to you now? Don't tell me. Tell that inner self.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Keeping A Dream Alive

Dreams may not be able to keep a body alive but without the dream it doesn't really live [sgchris©2011/6]

What are our dreams worth?
In terms we can use to measure
laying out the width and length of it
They perhaps come up short

But to the reason they give us
to get up each day and breathe
They are worth the littlest time we can take
to keep them shining like gold
For they are worth more to that daily breath
than we can ever hold

Keep breathing your dream alive
For that keeps your soul alive

Does your dream live?
Where does it live?


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Must Watch!

James River Writers own, and Big Deal - Ellen F. Brown and her Gone With the Wind Book:

Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind: A Bestseller’s Odyssey from Atlanta to Hollywood

On TV Here!!!
Well, she was actually in New York for the Interview for!!!
But for those of us that weren't able to see it there - here it is Here!

"Gone with the Wind" - the book - turns 75 - The Early Show - CBS News

And Yes, she Does look gorgeous. And she's really Smart too.

Of Course you should click on it and go look at it.

And if you get a chance to see / hear Ellen talk about her book and her research, GO! She offers up All kinds of interesting tidbits that didn't make it to the book!

Have I ever steered you off the road?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Practical Tips on Writing a Book

Got my attention - yours too? I mean What writer doesn't need Practical Tips. Right?

Okay so get the Practical Tips on Writing a Book

And for Practical Tips on being a spy - or just writing about them [Sure That's what you're doing skulking around out there] -
here's where you'll find some of those.
I especially like the dead rat ploy.
Bet it's yours too.
You gonna admit it?