Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blogger Bums?

  • Interesting post on blogging.

Never thought about it quite like the way it's put, Blogger Buddy or Blogger Bum.

Of course I want Blogger Buddies! Hello. :::snort::: Guess I shouldn't snort in a blog post if I want blogger buddies?

I mean doesn't Everybody want Buddies? Blogger or not.

Uh, no matter how much you like, or perhaps even love, your characters, you do realize that they are not your buddies, right?

Or is it just me that can't turn my back on my characters for very long?
They tend to run amok. A Lot. Or is that something to do with my control of them. ::::snort:::: sorry, did it again. I have to take a break while I snicker, a lot, about having much control over my characters. I didn't say no control. Yet. I think. Sigh. It comes from leaving them alone too much, I know. :::hangs head:::: [and I can't hang it any lower since that bangs my head on the keyboard and makes me go xxxxxxxxcccccc
And it gives me a headache. And the characters are too good at that on their own.]

But to get away, quickly, from my talk of my work with my characters ::::said from side of mouth--- or lack thereof.....[does anybody else hear faint characters screams and snickers?]

I certainly don't want to be a Blogger Bum.
Not sure I agree with the definition the post gives of Blogger Bum however. The descriptions sound awfully close to Bully behavior to me.

What do you think?

Since it's not describing what I consider Bum activity of lounging around on a chair at the beach. Oh, I mentally just became a beach bum. Sigh. I can still hear the waves.
Okay, I am reluctantly back now. My toes aren't even wet..... [and no, you spitting on them is Not the same thing.]

So, no, of course I don't want to be a Blogger Bum.
[or even a mental beach bum with wet toes. just sayin'......
Although if you have good ideas about being a beach bum I could at least listen. To be a good buddy I mean. Doing my part and all ......of course, that's all.]

While I didn't make a blog excursion to the beach [quick mental trips don't count], I did make one to London with a great blog post by another writer. [Work-in-Progress blog by author/writer Leslie Pietrzyk]
Sigh. It sounded so great.
Oh, and I must be a good blogger buddy now and go tell her how much I enjoyed it.

So, do you fall into Blogger Buddy category? Or Blogger Bum?
I'm sure I don't have any Blogger Bullies that read my blog. Or they are being awfully considerate to not post comments. Thanks. ;)

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