Saturday, July 30, 2011

Query Letter Tips

For those that don’t follow the Query Shark blog, or on Twitter, this is a tip you might have missed.

And since I was having this conversation a few weeks ago with a couple of writer friends, I thought all you friends out there might want to see it as well.

I mean we are All pretty busy and I know I appreciate it when you all tell and send me things.

The Query Shark says:

you don't need to tell me it's a simultaneous submission. I assume you're querying widely. Unless an agent specifically requests to know that you can leave it out. And you don't want to spend words on something you don't need to say. Use as many words to entice me to read this instead of covering housekeeping matters.

So what have you come across or heard that I should know?

Come on now, I share with you!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Pitching Practice ... Deadline’s Looming

Deadline’s Looming, people!

For all you pantsers out there. Not panthers. Pant-sers. Yes, I’m sure you know who you are.

Sit on your pants ’til a deadline looms over you then set your pants on fire to get everything done in time.

I’m saving your pants. And possibly your bum [as the British call our backsides].

Deadline is approaching - Like in pants on fire time - for JRW members to get first placement preferences for the Conference.

Conference will be here before you know it but it’s not pants-on-fire time yet. Yet. Maybe. Depending on what your plans are. {keep reading} But you know how those lolly-gag times creep up on you. [No not up your…. Never mind.]

Quickly moving on to Why you should be signing up for the Conference Now and not lolly-gagging around.

Just check this out -

Another Pitchapalooza Winner Lands a Book Deal!

Congratulations to our Pitchapalooza winner from Kansas City, Genn Albin who just got a mega six-figure, 3-book deal for her young adult fantasy novel, Crewel. Check out Genn’s guest blog about her wild ride. She's going to check in with us regularly to let us know about her progress from Pitchapalooza champion to bestseller.

Uh-huh. Yeah. Isn’t that what we are all talking about wanting!

Well, guess who has these Book Doctors in the house!!!

If you didn’t say James River Writers Conference in October no lollipop for you!

Well, we don’t have lollipops anyway, But we will have the Pitchapalooza Book Doctors in October!

In Library of Virginia’s house, where the JRW Conference is to be held.

But the deadline is Looming for their signups! Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

And tried to save your pants.

After you sign up for the Conference and get your Pitch spot secured, and thus saving your pants, you can go over and sign up for their email newsletter - yes, where do you think this info’ is coming from. Oh, I guess I should be playing it more mysterious and secretive. Well, good thing I don’t try to write too many mysteries, and just enjoy reading them.

There’s even a video sneak peak of what to do for Pitchapalooza so you can start practicing and all!

You can see the video And sign up for the email newsletter here.

Same place!

How cool is that!

And see how nice I am to you - I’m trying to save your shirt as well as your pants. *Grin*

Don't forget to read the comments - where they say even those that Didn't sign up in time for the Pitchapooza schedule learned a Lot.

--- oh dear, is that sizzling I hear somewhere? Are you starting to feel hot? Better move now. *grin*

[If you need any more links to the James River Writers Conference than what’s been given here. Just check previous blog entry. One of them has Lots. and lots. ;) ]

See ya over on the Cool side of things. ;)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pitching and Wooing

Pitching and wooing. What dating used to be called in the ‘old’ days. Or so I’m told. Hey, I’m not That old!

I wonder if pitching and wooing were a part of courting? Yes, that is another old term for dating. And again, I am Not That old either. Really.

I assume ‘dating’ is still an appropriate term nowadays. Things are quite a bit different than when I was growing up. Some might be due to the time period I will admit, but I think mostly due to circumstances. After all, look at all the changes in everyone’s lives that social media has brought on.

But some things do stay the same. Whatever you would call it, pitching and wooing, (although I’m not sure if that was part of courting or not), courting, dating, the sentiments are generally the same. And apply to all close relationships, in some way. Like the close relationship most writers want to have with their agents. You can start on your way to pitching and wooing an agent at the upcoming James River Writers Conference in October.

Well, we help you with the pitching part, the wooing part is up to you.

For those of you needing extra help on the pitching part - and who doesn’t need refresher thoughts and ideas - check out the James River Writers blog for a bunch of great pitching tips or reminders of how to do it.

Especially if it’s been a long time between dates. Uh, with pitching an agent, I mean we enjoy your company and all but not sure we want to get in that business. But you never know I suppose, so you might want to keep an eye on the website and the blog. Just in case.


But we do like hearing about your successes and accomplishments so do come to the James River Writing Show next Thursday and tell us about them.

And put the casual meet Writers Wednesday on your calendar to come tell us All about it.

We might even want to hear about your pitch and woo stories.

You never know. ;)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Work, and Heat, and Dragons, Oh My!

Okay so the Heat around here in Virginia has nothing to do with Dragons.
I think.
Virginia Is sizzling with Dragon talk this summer tho'.

And yes, I shouldn’t be getting distracted from my work on conference things, but, I say, it Really helps sometimes to take a step back and look at why we all are working so hard here.
[I said a step back, we haven’t run away. Yet.]

And here is a Really good reason!
Yay! :::Claps hands:::: [hey, it’s better they are clapping each other than my head like they’ve been doing lately]

Yes, it is a bit hot out there, here in Virginia certainly, but if you don’t at least read this you are going to regret it come fall when you need the heat. And the info’ ….

And if you haven’t been reading the James River Writers Conference blog — WHY HAVEN’T YOU???

We do forgive you. If you start now. I’ve made it easy for you, just click on one of the word links above. Or Here.

And if it so happens you don’t want to miss the fabulous writers that are being talked about on the blog so far, go here to sign up. Before it fills up and sells out.
It’s going to be a GREAT Conference I’m tellin’ you! We’re certainly working really hard to bring you GREAT!!!

Now, I must get back to work, and you must go check out the JRW Conference blog.
And Keep checking it out!!!

I would ask you to come back here and tell me which of the featured authors are your favorite so far but that would be too much like picking favorites of your children wouldn’t it? …. Pssstt, you can tell me later. ;)
After all, JRW’s Writers Wednesday is coming up next week.
Last one before the change of venue.
So you might seriously want to check it out.
I can hear your favorites then. And why they are your faves of course.
Hey, I said we were working hard didn’t I. ;)