Saturday, July 18, 2009

Interesting Thought to Start or End your Week

However you choose to look at it - beginning or end of week.
And I'm much too tired right now to decide for myself, let alone for you, so it's all up to you baby!

I'm too tired to even come up with any witty original words, and I received these in an email newsletter recently and they seemed much too good not to share.
I've only excerpted part of it so it you want the rest you're either going to have to speak up or go search her out for yourself. ;)
And if you can do so in one of her SpiritSilks, you are very lucky and blessed indeed. ;)

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Most of us don’t think we have a choice. We do.
We choose how we approach an issue.
We choose how we step into our faith and how we give it voice.
We choose what we do with the darkness that sometimes surrounds us, and even fills us until we can barely see the light.
We get to choose, just as this loving mother did.

Truly, how cool is that? How awesome that we have the option of choice?

What are your visions?
What are your fears about your visions?
What are your dreams?
Your hopes?
Your desires?
What conversations are you having both in your head and with your family and friends about why you can’t have your dreams and desires come into being?

You can choose differently again. And when you forget and start listening to those inner voices? You can choose yet again. And again. And again.

So ... what are you thinking into being?

Rev. Anne Presuel
The Empowerment Queen … Empowering you to create your ideal life!

Good huh???? Told ya.

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