For those that are keeping track of Maggie Stiefvater’s phenomenal success with her latest book ‘Shiver’ – which debuted at #9 on New York Times bestseller list last week!
It is now #5 !!!
Congratulations Maggie!!!
And don’t forget she’s going to be at the James River Writer’s Conference in October so you all can sign up and come talk to her – before the rates go up on the Conf.!
For those that follow Maggie’s blog, she generously shares writing advice, and other practical things, such as how she manages to fit in writing with everything else she does [don’t forget she’s also an artist And a musician. Which is what I meant in my previous post that she is a bit scary. She’s So darned talented! ‘Shiver’ her latest book is written So darn well!!! And she’s darn cute. And incredibly nice. What’s not to be scared of! ;) ]
And such wonderful ‘real life’ adventures of parenting while finding out from her super-duper editor that her book that Debuted at #9 on the NYT list, is Now at #5 !
It’s too funny not to read for yourself –
Funny how reality comes in to keep us all centered and grounded huh? ;-D
Maggie reports that Things have settled down now. And yeah, that is a fun play with Maggie’s words. You’ll have to go over and read her post to get it.
Oh, word of warning, do Not be drinking anything while reading her post. Several comments said beverages were spewed over keyboards over it. Yeah, it’s pretty funny!
Come back here and tell me what you thought. You can type while you’re laughing can’t you?
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